Showcase 2019Agenda and Featured GuestsAbstracts Implementation and Integration TOH-16-003 Improving physician antibiotic prescribing behaviours: empowering infectious diseases physicians to influence change in practice among their peers.Kathryn Suh TOH-17-001 Interdepartmental program to improve outcomes for acute heart failure patients seen in the Emergency Department Ian Stiell & Jeff Perry MSU-15-025 Development and Implementation of a Surgeon Cost Report Card: Behavioural Economics Applied to Surgical Cost Containment Timothy Jackson NOA-18-010 Teams of Rural Physicians and Why They Matter: Testing a Theoretical Framework of Team Effectiveness that Predicts Outcomes of Performance, Commitment, and Intentions to Stay. Eliseo Orrantia AMO-15-008 Transplantation of Microbes of Fecal Origin for Prevention and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Michael Silverman & Adam Rahman SMH-17-005 Reducing unnecessary sedative-hypnotic use among hospitalized patients in 5 hospitals: A multicentre quality improvement collaboration Yuna Lee & Christine Soong HBV-16-002 Implementation and Evaluation of Solution Focused Coaching strategy within a Paediatric Multidisciplinary Neuromuscular Clinic Laura McAdam BMS-17-007 The Program for Leisure Engagement and Spontaneous Experiences Sid Feldman & Anna Berall HAH-19-003 Virtual Clinics To Improve Quality of Care and Outcomes in Heart Failure: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Harriette Van Spall MSU-13-006 Community Oncology Molecular Profiling in Advanced Cancers Trial (COMPACT) Philippe Bedard Themes