Showcase 2019 with Dr. Weisel INNOVATION FUND Technology and AI in Healthcare SHOWCASE 2019 View Innovation Fund Showcase 2019 Awardees View Photos from the Event INNOVATION FUND Technology and AI in Healthcare SHOWCASE 2019 View Innovation Fund Showcase 2019 Awardees View Photos from the Event

Melissa McCradden

Melissa McCradden is a Junior Bioethicist with The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids). She holds a PhD in Neuroscience with a specific focus on neuropsychiatry, and she is currently completing her Master’s in Bioethics at the University of Toronto.

Melissa was the inaugural Clinical and Research Fellow in Ethics of AI in Healthcare, a role jointly supported by The Hospital for Sick Children and the Vector Institute for AI, where she was supervised by Drs. Randi Zlotnik Shaul and Anna Goldenberg. As a fellow, Melissa’s research focuses on the bioethics of ‘explainability’ in healthcare machine learning, the research ethics of clinical AI projects, feminist approaches to bias in machine learning, and public engagement surrounding AI and data use.

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