Showcase 2019 with Dr. Weisel INNOVATION FUND Technology and AI in Healthcare SHOWCASE 2019 View Innovation Fund Showcase 2019 Awardees View Photos from the Event INNOVATION FUND Technology and AI in Healthcare SHOWCASE 2019 View Innovation Fund Showcase 2019 Awardees View Photos from the Event

Paul Moayyedi

Dr Paul Moayyedi qualified from Bristol University and obtained a PhD and Masters in Public Health from the University of Leeds. He moved to McMaster University in 2004 and was Director of the Division of Gastroenterology at McMaster in 2006-2017. He holds the Audrey Campbell Chair of Ulcerative Colitis Research and is currently the Assistant Dean of Research at McMaster University. He has published 397 peer-reviewed articles that have been cited over 47,000 times with an h index of 105. He was Co-Editor in Chief of the American Journal of Gastroenterology 2010-2015. He is currently joint Coordinating Editor of the Upper GI and Pancreatic Disease Cochrane Review Group and a proponent of Evidence Based Medicine. He is PI of the IMAGINE network that aims to evaluate how the diet and microbiome impact on IBD, IBS and associated psychological disorders. This a CIHR-SPOR funded network was, in part, possible through data generated from a HAHSO funded project.

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