Showcase 2019 with Dr. Weisel INNOVATION FUND Technology and AI in Healthcare SHOWCASE 2019 View Innovation Fund Showcase 2019 Awardees View Photos from the Event INNOVATION FUND Technology and AI in Healthcare SHOWCASE 2019 View Innovation Fund Showcase 2019 Awardees View Photos from the Event

Robert Teasell MD FRCPC

Dr. Robert Teasell is Professor, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, former Chair-Chief and current Research Director of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is Medical Director of the Stroke Rehabilitation Program, Parkwood Institute, St. Joseph’s Health Care London and Clinical Researcher with Lawson Health Research Institute, Parkwood Institute Research.  Dr. Teasell is editor of the internationally acclaimed Stroke Rehabilitation Evidence-Based Review (going into its 19th edition), Acquired Brain Injury Evidence-Based Review (now 12th edition) and co-editor of Spinal Cord Injury Evidence-Based Review (6 editions).  He is Co-Chair of the Canadian Best Practice Guidelines Committee in Stroke Rehabilitation which has just completed its 6th update.  Dr. Teasell has authored 345 peer-reviewed articles and has been involved in over $20 million in research funding. and has won several awards including the 2018 Lawson Health Research Institute Impact Scientist of the Year Award and the 2018 Post-Acute Stroke Award of Excellence from the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the National Stroke Association (U.S.).  His research interests include: 1) Clinical Application of Best Evidence in Neurorehabilitation utilizing the Evidence-Based Reviews and associated Guidelines; 2) Stroke Rehabilitation in the Community in association with a model system of stroke outpatients out of Parkwood Institute in conjunction with the Southwestern Ontario Local Integrated Health Network; 3) The Role of Obsessive Personality Traits as in coping with Chronic Pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Post Concussion Syndrome and Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injuries and how that influences, anxiety, stress, depression, disability and use of opioid medications.  He has supervised a number of graduate students and since 2014, 3 research team members have won the Lawson Leadership Impact Award (best graduate student at Lawson Institute) and 3 have become Vanier Scholars.

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