Showcase 2019 with Dr. Weisel INNOVATION FUND Technology and AI in Healthcare SHOWCASE 2019 View Innovation Fund Showcase 2019 Awardees View Photos from the Event INNOVATION FUND Technology and AI in Healthcare SHOWCASE 2019 View Innovation Fund Showcase 2019 Awardees View Photos from the Event

Dr. Yuna Lee

Dr. Yuna Lee is a general internist at St. Michael’s Hospital (SMH) and an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. She finished residency training in Internal Medicine at the University of Toronto, which included an R4 General Internal Medicine year with a special interest in Maternal Medicine and Women’s Health.  She completed her Masters in Education at OISE/UT and the QIP fellowship at SMH.

As an educator and the Ward Chief for the Clinical Teaching unit at St. Michael’s Hospital, Dr. Lee has been heavily involved in local QIP initiatives over the last several years. She has also actively contributed to many Choose Wisely Campaign projects, integrating the campaign’s recommendations into her hospital’s practice by educating trainees and allied health care professionals.

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