Training Health Professionals to Deliver an Intervention Based on Problem Solving Techniques to Informal Caregivers of Clients with Dementia Living in the Community Virginia Wesson

Chronic Care and Patient-Centred Care Virginia Wesson 416-586-4800 x 6159 Sinai Health System, University of TorontoCommunity based care coordinators can be taught Problem Solving Techniques that they can then apply in their work with carers of family members with dementia. Carers learned to more effectively manage dementia...

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The Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) And Minor Stroke (TAMS) Unit Ambulatory Care Model Provides More Efficient Care with Clinical Outcomes Similar to Inpatient Care
Leanne K. Casaubon

Cardiovascular and Stroke Care Leanne K. Casaubon 416-603-5685 (office) 416-893-2815 (cell) University Health Network, Toronto Western Hospital, University of TorontoThe Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) And Minor Stroke (TAMS) Unit is a rapid-access, day-unit care model that is unique in Ontario and Canada. It was developed to provide care...

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Screening for And MAnaging Risk factors in TAVI: an Interdisciplinary Endeavor (SMARTIE)
Nathan Herrmann

Cardiovascular and Stroke Care Nathan Herrmann 416-480-6133 416-480-6100 ext 3185 Sunnybrook Health Sciences CentreSMARTIE aims to establish a novel clinical care pathway involving a unique collaboration between Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Geriatric Psychiatry and Geriatric Medicine at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre for the screening and management of geriatric-specific...

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Screening for Sleep Apnea in Stroke and TIA Patients using a Portable Sleep Monitor: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Mark Boulos

Cardiovascular and Stroke Care Mark Boulos Work Phone: 416-480-4473 Cell Phone: 416-433-5653 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre & University of TorontoTRANSFORMATION: Our project could substantially transform the way healthcare is delivered because it would change the way we manage patients with stroke/TIA. Instead of having patients with stroke/TIA...

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Low dose CT perfusion in acute ischemic stroke
Richard Aviv and Amanda Murphy

Cardiovascular and Stroke Care Richard Aviv 416 480 6100 ext. 7989 Sunnybrook AFP Association, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, U of Toronto   Amanda Murphy 647-222-7872 Neuroradiology fellow Department of Medical Imaging University of Toronto Transformation - Based on the results of this investigation, current CT perfusion protocols...

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Hemoglobin Optimization to Improve Event Free Survival and Cerebrovascular Health in Anemic Patients Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery
Gregory Hare

Cardiovascular and Stroke Care Gregory Hare 416 864-5259 SMHA Innovation Fund, St. Michael's Hospital, University of TorontoTransformation: Iron restricted anemia is a global health problem and is prevalent in patients undergoing surgery. Up to 40% of patients (ACS-NSQUIP, EuSOS) undergoing elective non-cardiac surgery are anemia placing them at...

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“AON-Ottawa-AF”: The Always ON Ottawa Atrial Fibrillation project. A programme to develop the world’s first “always-on” miniaturized personal arrhythmia detector
Calum Redpath

Cardiovascular and Stroke Care Calum Redpath 613-761-4977 613-761-4070 UOHIAMO, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa OntarioAn “always on” arrhythmia detection device offers the potential to transform healthcare delivery in the following ways:(i)  to reliably detect the development of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) in longitudinal studies of the general (healthy)...

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