Technological Innovations Jamie Kroft 416-480-4535 Sunnybrook Health Sciences CentreTotal Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH) is a minimally invasive approach to hysterectomy that results in decreased patient morbidity. Despite these benefits, a recent survey discovered that many Canadian OBGYN residents are not receiving adequate training in TLH prior to graduation from...
Technological Innovations
SHS-16-004 Development of an educational tool using qualitative analysis to teach components of Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
SHS-15-003 Magnetic Occult Lesion Localization and Imaging (MOLLI)
Nicole Look Hong
Technological Innovations Nicole Look Hong 416-480-6100 x 3255 Sunnybrook Health Sciences CentreFrom 2016–2018 our team at the Odette Cancer Center, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, engineered, developed and tested a novel approach to localizing non-palpable lesions during breast conserving surgery - The Magnetic Occult Lesion Instrument (MOLLI). Using support...
AHM-19-002 Can a 3D Printed Intraosseous (IO) Line Insertion Model Offer Similar Realism to Alternative Training Models?
Andy Pan
Technological Innovations Andy Pan 613-746-4621 x3601 Association médicale universitaire de l'hôpital MontfortAHM-19-002 Simulation is especially useful for procedures that occur infrequently and for which first-time success is crucial in avoiding morbidity to the patient. Access to simulation centres remains limited to large academic centres and major barriers to...
UOH-15-006 Cardiac Positron Emission Tomography in Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy (PETCAV study)
Sharon Chih
Technological Innovations Sharon Chih 613-696-7327 UOHIAMO, UOHI, University of OttawaUOH-15-006 This study determined previously unknown diagnostic thresholds for cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) using rubidium-82 positron emission tomography (PET). We have recently successfully validated our results. Furthermore, we developed a potential clinical PET diagnostic algorithm to guide invasive coronary...
HAH-17-007 An app-based Transition Toolkit targeting youth with chronic health conditions: A randomized trial as a foundation to improve healthcare transition and outcomes
Jan Willem Gorter
Technological Innovations Jan Willem Gorter 905-525-9140 ext. 27855 905.525.9140 ext. 22979 McMaster University Hamilton Health Sciences Nadilein Mahlberg HAH-17-007 When transition to adult healthcare is poorly supported, patients' and families' adverse experiences of care are higher, as is risk for poor health outcomes, costly hospitalizations, inequity of...
SEA-17-001 Proteomics strategies to develop accurate neuro-prognostic biomarkers for comatose survivors of cardiac arrest
Gordon Boyd
Technological Innovations J. Gordon Boyd 613-539-2754 SEAMO, Kingston Health Sciences Centre, Queen's UniversitySEA-17-001 Providing accurate neurologic prognosis for survivors of cardiac arrest is one of the most difficult challenges facing ICU clinicians. This study was designed to assess whether proteomic strategies could be used to identify novel serum...
SEA-16-001 Towards a metabolomic classification of prostate cancer using mass spectral imaging
David Berman
Technological Innovations David Berman 613-329-1410 SEAMO, Queen's UniversitySEA-16-001 Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a potential adjunct to histopathology. However, studies have yet to adequately test its performance and reliability. Using over 900 MSI spectra, we established and validated an accurate, high-resolution metabolic profile of prostate cancer, supporting the...
MSU-13-016 Pilot randomized control trial of an online communication tool for collaborative care in complex patients.
Amna Husain & Peter Wegier
Technological Innovations Amna Husain 416-586-4800 x7884 MSH-UHN AMO, Sinai Health System, University of Toronto Peter Wegier Pete.Wegier@sinaihealthsystem.caMSU-13-016 Loop challenges the way that healthcare is currently organized in silos of specialties, settings, data and privacy. Our team is poised to inform this transformation in healthcare communication. We were successful...
MSU-15-017 An online resource to support the creation of senior-friendly emergency departments in Ontario
Don Melady
Technological Innovations Don Melady 416 586 5058 Mount Sinai Hospital, University of TorontoMSU-15-017 This project developed an open-access website that provides guidance to hospitals, ministries, planning agencies, administrators about Quality MSU-15-017 Improvement to make hospitals and EDs more appropriate to the care of older people. It is a...
CAM-14-004 Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) for Executive Function Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A pilot study
Stephanie Ameis
Technological Innovations Stephanie Ameis 416-535-8501 x39381 647-221-4418 CAMH Medical Services Association, CAMH, UofTCAM-14-004 Here, we present results for the first rigorous double-blind, randomized-controlled trial (RCT) examining repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) as a therapeutic intervention in older youth and young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Our pilot RCT...