The Cancer Survivorship Ambulatory Clinic: A Multi-disciplinary, Inter-professional, and Virtual Follow-up Network for Cancer Survivors
Simron Singh

Cancer Care Simron Singh 416-480-4928 Matthew Cheung 416-480-4928 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of TorontoAdvances in the treatment of Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL/NHL) and colorectal cancer (CRC) have resulted in increasing cure rates and a growing population of long-term cancer survivors. The Transition Care Clinic (TCC),...

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The evaluation of a LHIN4 practice guideline for completion axillary lymph node dissection in breast cancer surgery
Peter Lovrics

Cancer Care Peter Lovrics 905-521-6060 Hamilton Academic Health Sciences OrganizationRecent evidence form the ACOSOC Z0011 trial and dissemination of a LHIN4 regional guideline for completion axillary node dissection (cALND) were associated with a marked decrease in cALND after positive sentinel node biopsy (SNB), even among some cases...

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The Quality Improvement in Colorectal Cancer in Local Health Integration Network 4 (LHIN4) Project (QICC-L4)
Marko Simunovic

Cancer Care Marko Simunovic 905-575-6375      \ 905-527-4322 ext 67165 Hamilton Academic Health Sciences OrganizationThe QICC-L4 is designed to optimize colorectal cancer surgical care in all LHIN4 hospitals by creating interventions that support surgeons at key points of care. A recent audit of data from LHIN4 hospitals demonstrated that...

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Comparing Coaches and Smart Phone Technology To Optimize Chronic Disease Management in Congestive Heart Failure
James E Calvin

Technology: e-Solutions and Telemedicine James E. Calvin 519-663-3892 AMOSO, London Health Science Center,Western UniversityTransformation:The use of both coaches and smart phone technology to assist heart failure(HF) patients in the self management of their disease expands our ability to chronically care for HF patients. Our hypothesis is that one...

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Heart Failure Telelink: Expanding the Reach using Interactive Voice Response Technology to Improve Patient Outcomes
Lisa Mielniczuk

Technology: e-Solutions and Telemedicine Lisa Mielniczuk 613-761-4059 Christine Struthers 613-761-4134 University of Ottawa Heart InstituteHeart Failure (HF) Telelink became a UOHI program in 2014 and expanded  to 4 regional partner hospitals in 2015. Lessons learned from these early adopters  will lead to broader implementation.  The automated call/IVR...

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Intelligent monitoring for hospital inpatients based on continuous physiologic signals
David Maslove

Technology: e-Solutions and Telemedicine David Maslove 613-549-6666 x7471 613-650-7311 SEAMO, Queen's University, Kingston General HospitalTransformation - Critical illness is associated with a high risk of death and disability. Novel solutions are needed to identify deteriorating patients early, in order to intervene early and improve outcomes. Adoptability –...

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Harnessing mobile health technology to personalize the care of chronic kidney disease patients
Alexander G Logan

Technology: e-Solutions and Telemedicine Alexander G. Logan 416-586-5187 416-418-2772 Nephrology, Mount Sinai Hospital and University Health Network, Univ of TorontoSelf-management has been advocated as a way for patients to cope with the challenges of living with complex chronic illnesses.  However, to be effective and sustainable self-care activities...

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TeleResuscitation ONtario (TRON): Developing a telemedicine support for rural and remote emergency physicians caring for patients in a crisis
Daniel Howes

Technology: e-Solutions and Telemedicine Daniel Howes 613-453-5593 SEAMO, Queen's University, Kingston General HospitalAdoptability: This pilot project developed and tested an inexpensive Telemedicine system to provide rapid video-based support to Emergency Department physicians. The pilot was a success, and we are moving forward to expand the program provincially in...

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Virtual TEE: An interactive online teaching aid for learning transesophageal echocardiography
Massimiliano Meineri

Technology: e-Solutions and Telemedicine Massimiliano Meineri 416-340-4800 Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network, University of TorontoVirtual TEE is a free online transesophageal echocardiography simulator and has been visited by hundreds of learners worldwide. Its accuracy had been confirmed by numerous positive feedback from users. Its impact on learning...

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