Showcase 2016AgendaAbstracts Patient Safety and Quality of Care Implementation of a Structured Hospital-wide Mortality and Morbidity Rounds Model: An Interventional Study Lisa Calder Improving patient care through the development and implementation of the Thoracic Surgery, Quality Monitoring, Information Management and Clinical Documentation System (TSQIC) Andrew JE Seely Planned Early Discharge After Laparoscopic (PEDAL) Hysterectomy Study: A Pilot Prospective Observational Study Sukhbir S. Singh Evidence-Based Decision Making & Health Technology Assessment for Critical Care, Anesthesia and Surgery (Knowledge Translation): Building a Centre of Excellence Janet Martin & Davy Cheng Elucidating the factors that determine success in fecal transplant therapy for C. difficile infection Elaine O. Petrof Development and Implementation of a Perioperative Smoking Cessation Program With Computer-Based Patient Educaton Jean Wong Sunnybrook Hospital Wide Stewardship for Broad spectrum Antimicrobials – Optimizing Duration of Treatment for Bloodstream Infections Nick Daneman & Rob Fowler Enhancing Surgical Safety Culture and Improving the Quality of Surgical Care at TOH Husein Moloo & David Schramm Development of a Novel Assays for Severe Adverse Drug Reactions and Establishment of a Drug Safety Laboratory Service Facility Michael Rieder Implementation of Pharmacogenomics Guided Warfarin Dosing and INR monitoring for Hospitalized Patients: Focus on Health Economics and Adverse Event Rates Richard Kim Search Generic selectors Exact matches only Exact matches only Search in title Search in title Search in content Search in content Search in excerpt Hidden Themes