Enhancing Surgical Safety Culture and Improving the Quality of Surgical Care at TOH
Husein Moloo & David Schramm

Patient Safety and Quality of Care Husein Moloo hmoloo@toh.ca 613-263-3833 David Schramm TOHAMO, University of Ottawa, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute Engagement of 200 front line individuals in quality improvement partnering with senior administration 47 interventions spanning the entirety of the patient journey Improved communication and culture change on inpatient...

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Development of a Novel Assays for Severe Adverse Drug Reactions and Establishment of a Drug Safety Laboratory Service Facility
Michael Rieder

Patient Safety and Quality of Care Michael Rieder mrieder@uwo.ca 519-685-8500 ext. 58293 AMOSO TRANSFORMATION: Currently possible serious Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are managed by avoidance, with patients using less effective or more costly drugs. The Drug Safety Laboratory (DSL) is a unique resource for clinicians and patients to evaluate...

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Implementation of Pharmacogenomics Guided Warfarin Dosing and INR monitoring for Hospitalized Patients: Focus on Health Economics and Adverse Event Rates
Richard Kim

Patient Safety and Quality of Care Richard Kim Richard.Kim@lhsc.on.ca 519-685-8500 ext. 33553 AMOSO TRANSFORMATION: Currently, drug therapy is a “shotgun” or iterative approach. Implementation of Personalized Medicine (PM)-based patient care can enhance drug safety and effectiveness, while lowering overall health care costs through reduced hospitalizations and clinic visits. ADOPTABILITY:...

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Using Mental Health Telemetry (MHT) to Predict Relapse and Re-hospitalization in Mood Disorders
David Kreindler

Mental Health and Geriatric Care David Kreindler david.kreindler@sunnybrook.ca 416-480-5328 Sunnybrook Health Sciences CentreMental health telemetry (MHT) is a system that lets patients track symptom severity over time using their smart phones while seamlessly sharing this data with their clinicians.  In this study, we conducted the first quasi-pragmatic trial of...

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Focus on Youth Psychosis Prevention (FYPP) Clinic Romina Mizrahi

Mental Health and Geriatric Care Romina Mizrahi romina.mizrahi@camh.ca 416-535-8501 ext.34370 CAMH AFP Governance Organization; CAMH; University of Toronto The Focus on Youth Psychosis Prevention (FYPP) Clinic’s mandate is to implement a new paradigm in the treatment of psychosis: To prevent it before it begins. This empirically well-supported approach has...

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