INNOVATION FUND Innovation, Integration, & Implementation Women and Children SHOWCASE 2016 INNOVATION FUND Innovation, Integration, & Implementation Women and Children SHOWCASE 2016

Maternal Education about Infant Nutrition

Women and Children


Orlando da Silva

519-685.8500 ext. 65925

Western University,Children’s Hospital at LHSC, Schuclich School of Medicine


Increased “any” breastfeeding : 72.7% vs. 54% p<0.001

MAVINS use correlated with breastfeeding duration p <0.001

Positive effect of usage on maternal satisfaction with MAVINS p<0.001

Mean age of solid food introduction : 5.5 months

65% of mothers rated their satisfaction with MAVINS as either “mostly” or “completely” satisfied

“Your comment was very very informative, thank you! I’ve been looking all over Google for different information and just summed it all up in one comment, hopeffuly some of this does help”. (MAVINS user in response to IBCLC moderator response)


Background: Many well-established programs exist that provide support to the breastfeeding mother in-person or via telephone; the Internet is a relatively new means to deliver this support. Mothers have a vast presence online and a clear desire to seek healthcare information on the Internet. The availability and accessibility of interactive communication technologies via the Internet provide the opportunity for developing new methods of healthcare delivery

Objective: To provide peer and professional breastfeeding support to first time mothers through a secure website in order to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates at 6 months post-hospital discharge

Methods: MAVINS delivered an innovative and cost-effective way to support breastfeeding mothers. It was designed to have four arms: (1) text, pictorial, and video evidenced-based breastfeeding educational resources; (2) an interactive discussion forum for mothers that is monitored and facilitated by a lactation consultant; (3) the capacity for data collection; and (4) an online baby journal for text and photo entries

Results: Exclusive breastfeeding data at 6 months was obtained from 125/200 enrolled subjects. Mothers enrolled in Mavins showed a 50% increase in exclusive breastfeeding rates at 6-months postpartum relative to Ontario provincial 4-year average (42% vs. 28% p<0.05).

Conclusions: Our new online breastfeeding support clinic has the potential to improve access to specialized professional breastfeeding support in combination with interactive peer support. This new innovative online clinic can be readily implemented to all regions in Canada with reliable Internet access, with the potential to significantly impact the health of all Canadian infants and their families.

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